Tuesday, June 26, 2012

David Diamond & Theatre for Living in Berlin!


Striving for social change ?
Want to BE the change ?
Want to do so creatively with interactive theatre ?
Want to do so with a systemic approach ?

Then experience THEATRE FOR LIVING!


Artists           Performers      Educators
Peacebuilders           Mediators        Anthropologists
Psychologists         Therapists       Councellors      Social workers

David Diamond of the Canadian theatre company Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) is offering a rare training in Berlin. Theatre for Living (TfL) combines Augusto Boal´s Theatre of the Opressed with the insights of systems theory, making it one of the most exciting developoments in social theater. An interactive and participatory form of theatre, TfL is an aesthetic and creative process for social change and conflict transformation - thus  attractive and lucrative for anyone in any field of work who strive for transforming our society. TfL is about empowerment - about people being the experts in their own lives and being able to use theatre to make change. The process gives a community the opportunity to re-ignite 'emotional intelligence' - using a symbolic language to investigate alternative approaches to hard-to-talk-about issues. This is a first step towards dealing with difficult topics - moving towards open communication and realities that living communities want in an active and entertaining way.

We at the Berlin-based researcher/practitioner group Performing Transformation are organising the event and invite you to participate.

Gute Neuigkeiten für alle TheatermacherInnen im sozialen Bereich und solche, die es werden möchten. Diesen Sommer wird David Diamond vom Theatre for Living einen seltenen Workshop in Berlin geben. Die kanadische Gruppe verbindet Augusto Boal´s Theater der Unterdrückten mit den Erkenntnissen der Systemtheorie, die sie zu einem der aufregendsten Entwicklungen in angewandtem Theater macht. Dies ist unsere große Chance, uns den Flug nach Vancouver zu sparen und von seiner Anwesenheit in Berlin zu profitieren.

Die Berlin-basierte Forschungs- und Anwendergruppe Performing Transformation organisiert diese Veranstaltung. Wir werden Entwicklungen bezüglich Veranstaltungsort, Teilnahme, etc. veröffentlichen. Um Euch auf dem Laufenden halten zu können, meldet Euch bitte per E-mail oder RSS an.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Participants' Quotes

“The THEATRE FOR LIVING tools are like having a zoom lens - we can so easily move from one person's suffering, zoom out, and suddenly see the infinite repercussions, causes, symptoms. All are affecting and affected. This is so important for us in our work. The training that we did should be something all front-line workers have access to! Theatre for Living really is information for living!”

Rianne Svelnis, Downtown East Side Living Room (Lookout Society)

“I direct a youth forum theatre troupe. The THEATRE FOR LIVING training has bolstered my sense of safety and aesthetics in these interactive techniques. I gained a tremendous amount of insight watching David lead our group through important dialogue and coaching individual actors specific to their growth needs. I appreciate his keen eye, his steadfast direction to what is just and fair, and his joyful spirit in this work. It is contagious!”

Tim McLeod 

“When the certificates were handed out (at the THEATRE FOR LIVING training), you said that no one would give us a job with them. I secretly vowed to prove you wrong. I am currently developing a syllabus for a theatre course at the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica where I studied in 2008. In a way, your certificate got me the job.”

Shawn Bryant

“I feel like I have been saturated in the best possible way by the language of Theatre. This THEATRE FOR LIVING training workshop has given me many real life skills, some of which resonate on an emotional level, and others on more of a practical level. I can't wait to begin applying them to my community.”

Krista Lynch